
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Oranges are Not the Only Fruit and the two letters in The Color Purple

Oranges argon non the Only Fruit and the dickens letters in The alter PurpleThe Chapter Joshua in Oranges are Not the Only Fruit and the twoletters in The affectation Purple, where Sofia returns and ulterior discoversbrutally punished for her confrontation, both explore fundamentalissues that characterize a lot of the essence of both novels as awhole. At the oculus of both of these two sections is the idea offighting for the truth and facing the consequences. Although Orangesare not the Only Fruit is written in a retrospective light and TheColor Purple in epistolary and consecutively in chronological order,there are equivalentities within the two styles, they use similartechniques in getting across certain issues. The novels use the people nigh Jeanette and Celie to convey oppression and hope.Janets church people and mother have gear up out about her unnaturalpassions for Melanie. To them their opinion at its wrongs andsinfulness is not opinion except fact. Thus for Janets own benefitthey lock her up with no food or light, inflicting an exorcism on her.They believe she is colossus possessed and want to rid her of the evil.In this period of confinement, Jeanette questions her sexuality andits wrongs. She states substructure love really belong to the demon. Sherealizes that her feelings are not from external influences, butrather from herself. - If they want to get at my demon theyll haveto get me. She is controlled with the idea of the church, and at thesame time the naturalness she feels with the feelings Demons areevil, arent they? She accordingly goes on to say But in the Bible youkeep getting driven out. - Dont believe all you read. This initself is addressing the idea of oppression from the chu... ...d this gives elbow room to the proceedings in the novel as a whole. In The Color Purple,we are left hand with Celie caring for Sofia who has been so brutally tothe ground. Sofia was imprisoned and left to attend the circumstancesfor standing up for what is right. She is thus a heroine in her ownright and is an example for Celie. Jeanette was imprisoned (exorcism)and came out of it knowing that she was going away to put up a fight forher own truth and to face the circumstances.In Oranges are Not the Only Fruit as a whole, the Joshua sectionstands for truth and Jeanette decides to fight and this indicates thefuture progression of the novel. In The Color Purple, Celie sees truthbeing fought for and the result of this fight. These gives herdetermination and if can fight the likes of that, she can at least fightagainst male patriarchal onerousness and her love for Slug.

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