
Sunday, May 19, 2019

Linking Verbs

Who could forget the time when one needed a person to serve as a bridge to another person or to roundthing? Also, people have relatives and they argon connected by their quick family members to these relatives. For example, a person is related or connectered to his/her grandfather through his/her mother or father. Thus, the standoff is the parent for this instance.The same is true with verbs for there are the so-called linking verbs. These linking verbs are considered to be the part of the designate or phrase which implies state of being or condition for the subject, and not action (Linking Verbs). To put it more than clearly, the linking verb is included in a sentence to connect two different parts of the sentence. In improver to this, the linking verb tries to connect the subject to the parts of the sentence to which it is related (Action Verbs and Linking Verbs).In our previous example of relatives and families, an comparison whitethorn be made between the parents and the linking verbs for the two seek to connect two different things or persons. Examples of linking verbs include am, is, are, was, were, has been, are being, index have, been, etc which are forms of the verb be, become, and seem and all of these are considered to be always linking verbs in their sense (The Linking Verb).It is easy to identify the linking verbs for without these, there would be lesser thought to the sentence if none at all. Taking this statement as an example, The blue sky is my source of inspiration in finishing my characterization would show that is serves as the linking verb. It links the blue sky to the phrase source of inspiration. When one is given such(prenominal) sentence, it would be very easy to discern that it is the blue sky is the source of inspiration because of the inking verb. Imagine deleting the linking verb for the statement. It might give a general and vague idea that may be understood by some but can not entirely be discerned.The linking verb may b e used for three instances, which is to link the subject with a noun, a pronoun, or an adjective (Linking Verbs). An example of a linking verb that connects the subject with a noun is Ana is a queen of her own dreams. Could you identify the subject and the noun? Indeed, Ana is the subject and the word queen is the noun to which the subject, Ana, is connected. Going to the next, which is connecting the subject to a pronoun, a statement that could be used as an example would be The big humankindsion raft the road is his.In that statement, the big mansion is connected to the pronoun his and this shows that the big mansion is owned by the man referred to in the statement. Lastly, the linking verb is used to connect the subject to the adjective which it is related to. For example, The steps she made towards the aisle were as graceful as ever. The subject here is the word steps and the linking verb is were and this is connected to the adjective graceful.Aside from discussing the place of the linking verb, it is also important to take note of when the action occurred to be able to place the correct linking verb.Linking verbs are important in constructing sentences with thought. In one whole page of words, it could be seen that linking verbs play an important social occasion in weaving the ideas together and to show the relationships between the two.Never forsake the usefulness of the linking verb for, though it may only be a few words, it surely makes the difference for the whole thought.Works CitedThe Linking Verb. Robin L. Simmons. 23 March 2008 http//www.chompchomp.com/terms/linkingverb.htm.Action Verbs and Linking Verbs. 28 April 2002. Gallaudet University, Washington, DC. 23 March 2008 http//depts.gallaudet.edu/englishworks/grammar/actionlinking.htm.Linking Verbs. Keelee Weinhold. 23 March 2008 http//grammar.uoregon.edu/verbs/linking.html.

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