
Friday, May 3, 2019

POLICE SCIENCE,, 2 page Criteak Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

POLICE SCIENCE,, 2 page Criteak - Essay ExampleHowever, sadly, non every child come from happy home and this someways makes them indulge in anti-social activities.The article tries to probe the rightness of the legal system where the profiles of the children as young as ten year old are published on the internet. The profile gives personal information to the highest degree them and hence completely hurt the chances of those children becoming a healthy part of the society. The example of Johnnie, an eighth gradation student, getting bullied at school by the students who found come forth his profile on the internet, is a destroy case of things going wrong for a child who is trying to become a good citizen. The concomitant that Johnnie was only eleven when he act sex offense makes the reader wonder if he deserved to be on the internet profile list.The article has also researched the chances of the child sex offenders turning out to be adult offenders later in the future. Jones fo und that 90% of the children committing child offense do non become adult offenders. This makes the reader think twice before labeling a child an offender for a lifetime. The different therapies that the children who commit offense have to go through become meaningless if the society does not make efforts to help them and give them a second chance. Johnnie tried to end his life twice as he was not able to tolerate the verbal abuse and torture for an offense that he committed when he was eleven. By giving Johnnies example, Jones has shown that the legal system is not doing justice to those children who need a second chance at leading a healthy and happy life.Moreover Jones

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