
Saturday, May 11, 2019

The State of Accounting Convergence Among Large Public Companies Thesis Proposal

The State of Accounting Convergence Among jumbo Public Companies - Thesis Proposal ExampleThe international standard-setting process began several decades ago as an parturiency by industrialized nations to create standards smaller nations unable to establish their own accounting standards. The regulators, investors, large companies and auditing firms began to pull in the importance of having common standards in all areas of the financial reporting chain (International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) An AICPA Backgrounder n.d., p. 2). The meat among the countries includes the European Nations (Larson & Street 2004) and China (Qu & Zhang n.d). Many of the large public sector companies all over the initiation have been against the adoption of the new standard for a number of reasons. Till today, the precise reasons for the opposition and expostulation for the new accounting standard convergence are not clearly understood. The main idea of the utterance is a theoretical expla nation of the weighted resistant factors.The above search questions need to be intercommunicate through an investigation. The researcher go away conduct research by means of literature review on accounting convergence. The literature will comprise of researches on the delay in accounting convergence. Hail, Leuz, and Wysocki (2009) identified renewal costs as a major factor in the reluctance of U.S companies to move towards convergence. The literature will also include official explanations of what convergence is and why it is being implemented (AICPA, 2011 & 2010). No hypotheses are associated with the research question, as an exploratory Delphi method will be used to generate the factorized and weighted list. The Delphi method has been oftentimes used with experts in accounting and financial analysis, as a means of generating factorized lists of adopted reasons. (Alwert, Bornemann & Will 2009).The harangue will be valuable for committees that are working towards promoting acc ounting convergence as

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