
Monday, May 13, 2019

Diversity of APAs as the Main Notion of The Wedding Banquet Film Movie Review

Diversity of APAs as the Main Notion of The Wedding Banquet Film - Movie criticism ExampleFor many people Asian and Pacific Islanders look quite identical, having the same traits of character and features. However, this self-confidence is tot all in ally fallacious. Like any other nation, Asians have diverse representatives of peoples tempers and natures, among which you can get down individuals with their own peculiarities, problems, and visions. The diversity of APAs is the main notion of such movie like The Wedding Banquet by Ang Lee that tries to show Chinese culture and traditions in a full way. The mentioned film tells a allegory about a young man from China, Wai tung, who lives in New York in a flat on Manhattan with his boyfriend. Persistent parents of the main hero, being unaware of their sons preferences, have long-awaited intention to get hitched with Wai Tung and see grandchildren. Taking the guys destiny in own hands, they enroll him into Taipeis best club for sing le people, asking him to fill the required form with a description of his ideational ideal woman. Without a desire to argue with his mother Wai writes to her that he wants a wife who is an opera singer, speaks some(prenominal) languages and has two PhDs. Being not tied(p) interested in opera or physics, he makes all those conditions up only to satisfy his mother. However, talking to his lover, Wai Tung admits You are right. Its kind of stupid, all these lies. only Im used to it (The Wedding Banquet). Later on, Simon suggests his boyfriend the plan of fictitious marriage to solace and suppress assistance of Wais parents. It is important to mention that Wei Wei, the girl who rents Wai Tungs flat and agrees to marry him, represents typical foreigner in America. She has lost her job because of which now she has no money for living and even her rent fee she pays with her paintings.

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