
Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Management Research Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Management Research - Assignment ExampleThe managers of CCL cannot retain quality employees. The lodge has spent a tremendous amount of money on recruiting, hiring, and training. However, its turnover right is high. It does not allow retail products but creates and manages websites for its clients. The company rents a very large building with plenty of parking quadruplet in order to accommodate its staff members. Additional costs such as insurance, overhead, utilities, piazza equipment and supplies, security, etc. the costs of training, management, and many more too numerous to list kept their budget extremely high. Originally, the owners planed to perform only clients within the nation. However, customers atomic number 18 from somewhat the world. But as business grew, the clientele came from various countries and the distinctive 9 to 5 office hours staff can no longer meet the needs of a global market as sentence zones varies, language and cultural barriers exist, and busin ess procedures differ. Natural disasters (earthquakes, weather conditions, hurricanes) and manmade disasters (crimes, fires, etc.) around the world can also affect the operation of a business that has gone global. World Trends & Forecasts (1996, 2002) states sight gave a strong boost to telecommuting when it found that e-mail traffic during the blizzard remained within reasonably normal bounds, and quotes Sears, S. (1996), The unchanged Management Research 3volume of e-mail indicates that there was no outlet in productivity, despite tameers in energy to travel to their work sites. A solution to the problems of CCL Corporation is telecommuting. Telecommuting is delineate by WordReference.com (2006) as, employment at home while communicating with the workplace by phone or fax or modem. Telecommuting is bringing the work environment to the workers home which will help assuage some of the problems that workers face such as the cost of car maintenance, gas prices, and the rush to m ake it to work in time during heavy traffic. It also solves problems for companies such as high unemployment rate in inappropriate locations and finding quality employees. Crandall and Longge (2005) quote Tietze (2002), For many employees work can be conducted almost anywhere at home, in the hotel, at the local coffee bar, and even from an automobile. The space-time dimension, which requires that work be performed at the office at a certain time, no longer applies to many jobs. The TMA Group (n.d.) states, Telecommunications technology moves information via electromagnetic waves and pulses of light, whereas transportation moves people and goods in vehicles.Harpaz (2002) is quoted by Crandall and Longge (2005), Many telecommuters feel they have less pressure and are more productive when they work at home. They also see substantial benefits, such as the ability to balance work and family life, increased quality of social life, more flexible working hours, and improved time management . The satisfaction of the work benefits telecommuters as well as the organization. Telecommuting may allow individuals to work in their desired profession, and the possibility of working for a number of employers simultaneously may for some offer special

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